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Kodesh Vechol, Holon

Spirituality, Culture, Education and Progressive Jewish Tradition


Is having a Reform Jewish alternative in Holon important to you?

Do you want to see high caliber pluralist education in Holon?

Would you like more youth to have meaningful bar and bat
mitzvah experiences?


Your investment in our community is crucial!


Kodesh Vechol does not receive any governmental or municipal funding. Our activities are made possible solely by people like you.


By paying membership dues or by making a donation as a community partner, you help guarantee the existence of an egalitarian, progressive alternative, and to further solidify its presence in the city.


Become a member today (recommended annual contribution):

400 NIS per family

240 NIS for single-parent families, senior citizens, and soldiers


Community Partnership (non-member option)

180 NIS per year


A variety of payment options are available for your convenience:


  • Donate using Paypal by clicking here
    Should you choose this option, we kindly request that you add 10 NIS to donation in order to cover incurred fees


  • Transfer money using Paybox app

  • Transfer money using the PepperPay app, making the transfer to +972-54-574-4957 (ios / Android)

  • Transfer money using the Bit app, making the transfer to +972-54-574-4957 (ios / Android)

  • Send a check or cash to Kodesh Vechol, P.O. Box 3301 Holon 5867251

We would also be happy to come to you to collect your contribution and have a cup of coffee.

Thank you for your partnership. We look forward to seeing you soon.



Nadav Miyara

Community Chair


Galit Cohen Kedem



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